Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Bursa (historically known as Prusa, in Greek: Προύσα, and later as Brusa) is a city in northwestern Turkey and capital of the province of Bursa. With a population of 1,979,999 [1] (2007), is the fourth largest city of Turkey, in addition to one of the most industrialized and important in the cultural sphere in the country.

It is often appointed to the city as "Yesil Bursa" ( "Green Bursa"), referring to the parks and gardens over by the city, and the forests that extend throughout the region. Near the town stands the mountain Uludağ, which has a ski resort very popular among the people. Bursa are also in the mausoleums of the Ottoman sultans, as well as numerous buildings constructed during the Ottoman period. The fertile plain that surrounds it, the thermal baths, the museum of archeology, among others, and the orderly urban growth are some of the elements that characterize Bursa.

Karagöz and Hacivat, two famous characters in shadow theater chinescas were actually two historical figures who lived and were buried in Bursa. Bursa is also home to some of the most famous Turkish dishes, especially the chestnuts frost and the Iskender kebap. They are also famous peaches. Among the districts that depend on Bursa, highlights the historic Nicene by its history and building. Bursa also has the University of Uludağ and its population is one of the highest educational standards in Turkey. Traditionally, it has received many immigrants from the Balkans, sometimes in large numbers.

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